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Office Hours Available
Office Hours Available ★
Apply to Lead a Chapter
It all started with a club
Walt Whitman High School’s Body Positive Alliance chapter led by Cate Navarrete, Jan. 2021.
In 2019, our founder, Cate Navarrete, started Body Positive Alliance as a high school club. During that time, Cate was struggling with body image. She wanted to create a space where her peers as well as herself could learn to love and appreciate their bodies. Our chapters are the pinnacle of our programming, currently spanning across 13 states (including Washington, D.C.) With over 1,200 chapter members nationally, we’re one of the largest providers for young people to engage with the body-positive movement.
Office hours
Schedule a time to meet with a member of the programming team to discuss any questions you have about creating a chapter or to begin your launch process.
Program Manager
Schedule a time to meet with Sarah Cheng: https://calendly.com/sarah_cheng/30min
Program Associate
Schedule a time to meet with Arielle Li: https://calendly.com/arielle_li-bodypositivealliance/30min
Director of Programming
Schedule a time to meet with Isabella Amador: https://calendly.com/isabellaamadorbpa/office-hours?
What our chapter members are saying
“Body Positive Alliance has really opened my eyes to the countless societal standards that are expected of people today, especially for teens.”
“I’ve had an amazing experience as a Body Positive Alliance chapter member. The club helps me feel comfortable in my own skin. It also creates an environment that is so safe and inclusive.”
“Being a chapter member has helped me with self-love and confidence. It has helped me grow. I enjoy talking with other members in such a positive environment.”